One of the strongest bonds shared by millions of caregivers is their need to deal with strong
feelings of frustration, guilt, anger, and
Coping with these natural caregiving emotions doesn’t come automatically. Most learn that
they must go out of their way to prevent negative feelings from becoming overwhelming.
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Difficult feelings tend to flourish when you’re isolated or keep your problems to yourself.
Don’t wait until you feel strained to reach out for emotional support. Find a caregiving
buddy or a caregiver’s support group, either online or in person. The more connected you
feel to other people who are going through similar challenges, the less likely you are to
become isolated, depleted, and depressed.
A positive attitude doesn’t mean covering difficult emotions with a smile. It means making a
point to try to find the positive in any situation, and accepting the fact that this is
sometimes difficult or even impossible. Start by developing positive meanings and motivation
to your caregiving. These might include “giving back,” making your loved one’s life more
comfortable, or providing care in keeping with your spiritual beliefs.
Accepting change is another key. Trying to fight change sets you up for an exhausting,
frustrating battle you can’t win. It’s important to not choose what to get upset about, and
what to accept as out of your control. Your ability to make these choices will become more
intuitive with practice.
Keeping a journal helps many caregivers put their feelings in perspective. Therapy or
counseling can be a smart investment. Growing numbers of counselors are well-versed in the
challenges of caregiving. Many caregivers draw extraordinary strength from religious and
spiritual groups.
Caregivers are much more prone to depression than the general population. Unlike ordinary
sadness, major depression is a treatable mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss,
anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for an extended period of time. Left
unchecked, it can leave you unable to care for your loved one or yourself.
In addition to feeling down or depressed, common symptoms of depression include loss of
interest in activities you used to enjoy, lack of energy, poor appetite (or overeating), and
trouble concentrating. See a doctor if any of these symptoms are affecting your everyday life.
Content shown was developed in collaboration between AGIS and National Family Caregivers Association.