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Frequently Asked Questions
How does Search work?
Our Search feature is located in the upper-right hand corner of each page of the website. Enter a descriptive word in the empty box. Select which category you want to search: Articles & Information or Local Services. Articles & Information searches all of our educational materials and displays articles related to the search term you enter. Local Services searches our provider database for relevant companies and professionals near a location you specify. (When searching through our local services, you are required to enter either a city and state or a ZIP code.) Click the Search button to get search results.
For your convenience, we also offer a suggested search terms list where you can pick a term to search on instead of entering your own. To use this feature, click “See suggested search terms" underneath the Search box. A window will open with a list of commonly searched terms. Click one of the terms and the term will appear in the search box. The select either Articles & Information or Local Services and click the Search button to display results.
Why can't I find what I am looking for?
If you are having trouble using search for the information you want or are unsure of the spelling of a term, use our suggested search terms list to get started (see above). If you don’t see the term you need, try our definitions page to check spellings and see eldercare-specific terms.
When entering text in the search box, select your terms carefully. Use specific, descriptive words instead of general ones. For example, try “skilled nursing facility" instead of “housing." If you don't get any results with search words, try using different words with the same meaning. For example, try “bed sores" instead of “pressure ulcers."
Finally, try using our site map, which lists all of the pages on the site divided by category.
How do you make money? (Why is there advertising on your site?)
In order to deliver trustworthy, credible, and timely material at no cost to you, we accept advertising and sponsorships. We will always clearly identify advertising and commerce on our site. The fact that certain products and services are advertised on our site is not an endorsement of those products or services and does not influence the editorial content on our site.
Do you accept payment from or endorse any specific providers?
We do not endorse the providers found in our Local Services database. Our search results are based entirely on geographic proximity and relevance. We do not accept payments from providers to move their listings up in your search results.
How do you decide which external organizations should be listed on your site?
While we seek to provide you with the most useful resources and information on our site, we also know that providing links to external organizations can be the quickest way to connect you with the services and information you need. We carefully select external sites based on how well they provide helpful information, as well as their underlying mission. In general, we selectively provide links to only nonprofit and government organizations except when linking to sponsors or advertisers, which are clearly labeled as such when found on the website.
How do I provide comments or feedback about the site?
Please tell us about anything you find that doesn't seem right, or ways you think we can make the site even better. Send your comments directly to us at [email protected].
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Where do your articles come from?
Our articles are created by our own editorial staff, licensed from third parties for publication, or provided by clearly identified sponsors. For articles created in-house, we research the latest publicly available information. We get our stories from an array of sources: journals, federal and state agencies, nonprofit organizations, and other news sources. All of our articles, regardless of the source, are clearly labeled with the source, as well as the author’s name and credentials.
Our staff reviews third-party licensed content to ensure that it adheres to our editorial policy and procedures and that the content is accurate, timely, and relevant. Finally, in using our site, you will notice some content, such as buttons and banners are labeled as “Sponsored" or “Advertisement." This content has not been reviewed by our staff and is not subject to our editorial policies.
How can I find out more about an article you wrote?
If you are looking for specific information about an article such as research data from a study, please contact the sources directly, which are at the top of each article.
How do I notify you if I see an error on the website or in an article?
Although we strive to maintain the integrity and accuracy of the information on the website, we make no guarantees as to its correctness, completeness, or accuracy. The website may contain typographical errors, inaccuracies, or other errors or omissions. If you believe that information found on the website is inaccurate or unauthorized, please inform us by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Include the name of the article, the page title, and your contact information.
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What data do you collect?
We routinely gather data on website activity, such as how many people visit the site, the pages they visit, where they come from, and how long they stay on the site. The data is collected on an aggregate, anonymous basis, which means that no personally identifiable information is associated with the data. This data helps us improve site content and overall usage. We may ask you to provide personal information in order to register to use the secure features on our site.
How do I opt out of e-mail information you send me?
We may use your e-mail address to provide you with information regarding important changes to the service, new services, newsletter, special offers, information that you requested, or security breaches. If you don’t want to receive such notices (except for security breaches), please send an e-mail message to [email protected] with "opt out" in the subject field. Opting out may prevent you from receiving e-mail messages regarding updates, improvements, or special offers. If AGIS has provided any third party with your personal information, you will have to contact the third party directly with any opt-out request.
What is your privacy policy?
Your privacy is our utmost concern. We do collect non-personally identifiable information as described above. We use this data to diagnose problems, assess and maintain security, improve ad placement, and to enable you to log in or access saved information automatically. We may share aggregated non-personally identifiable information with potential advertisers, partners, or contracts in the course of doing business.
We may ask you to provide personal information in order to register. We will not intentionally provide personally identifiable information to third parties except under the following condition: you are inquiring about a product or service offered by a third party and you have agreed to this as acceptable. We may use your e-mail information to provide you with information relevant to the website. See above for instructions on opting out of these e-mail communications. For more information, you can find our entire privacy policy here.
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Technical Requirements
Browser Compatibility
In order to have our features work and display properly, we recommend that you use one of the browser versions shown below, which have been tested for compatibility with our website.
For Windows XP: Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0 or Mozilla Firefox 2.0
For Macintosh OS 10.4: Safari 2.0 or Mozilla Firefox 2.0
While our website may function with other browsers, we cannot guarantee that the website will display and work properly.
If you need to install a compatible browser version, please visit the websites for Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.
Web Accessibility
We're dedicated to making our website accessible to all users, including people with disabilities. Therefore, we continually review our site and modify pages to improve its accessibility for people using assistive technology.
Industry standards serve as our guide for creating an accessible website. We closely follow those standards defined in Section 508 of the Workforce Investment Act and level A of the W3C/WAI's Web Accessibility Guidelines, version 1.0.
Screen Resolution
Our website is designed for a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. You may want to adjust the screen resolution in your monitor settings to get web pages to fit better on your screen, or to make items on web pages appear larger.
Lower resolutions, such as 800 x 600, will make items on the page appear larger. However, less of the overall web page will fit on the screen so that you may have to scroll horizontally to view the entire page.
To change the screen resolution on Windows 98 and 2000:
- Click on the Start button, go to Settings, then select Control Panel.
- In the Control Panel window, click on Display.
- Click on the Settings tab.
- On the Settings window, under Desktop area, drag the slider to choose a screen resolution, then click Apply and OK.
On Windows XP
- Click on the Start button, go to Control Panel, then select Appearance and Themes.
- Click Change the screen resolution.
- Drag the slider to choose a screen resolution, then click Apply and OK.
On Macintosh
- From the Apple menu, go to "Control Panel" and select "Monitors."
- Select your desired resolution from the window that is displayed.
While we do not require that you enable JavaScript to use our site, we recommend it to enhance your overall site experience. JavaScript is a small piece of computer code that is built into web pages to make features such as mouseovers work (an example of a mouseover is a title that displays menu options when your mouse rolls over the title). For help enabling JavaScript on your browser, please consult the help sections of the websites for Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.
You may have software on your computer that will allow you to decline or deactivate Internet cookies, but if you do so, some features of this site may not work properly for you. For instructions on how to remove cookies from your hard drive, go to your browser's Web site for detailed instructions.
We may place Internet "cookies" on the computer hard drives of visitors to this website. Information we obtain from cookies helps us to tailor our site to be more helpful and efficient for our users. The cookie consists of a unique identifier that does not contain information about you. We use two types of cookies, "session" cookies and "persistent" cookies.
A session cookie is temporary, and expires after you end a session and close your web browser. We use session cookies to help customize your experience on our site, maintain your signed-on status as you navigate through our features, and to track your "click path" through our web pages.
Persistent cookies remain on your hard drive after you've exited from our site, and we use them for several reasons. For instance, when you give us permission to save information about you when asked by the website, we place a persistent cookie on your hard drive so that the next time you visit us, we won't have to ask you that information again. If you've given us permission to e-mail you with information, we may place a persistent cookie on your hard drive that will let us know when you come back to visit our site. Persistent cookies do not contain any personal information about you.