Diabetic Supplies

For diabetics, proper equipment and supplies are a matter of life and death. Compare available products.

Well-equipped diabetics -- and the people who care for them -- spend less time worrying about  blood glucose levels. Find the right products for your loved one's needs.

Essential diabetic supplies include:
  • Insulin injection and blood-drawing devices
  • Disposable plastic strips for regular testing
  • Wallets and organizers for convenience and portability


Click these links to see topics below:

Insulin Injection Supplies

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Different diabetics have different preferences, needs, and pain tolerance levels. Learn about syringes, fillers, infusers, and other injection supplies.
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Learn how to get the blood required for testing with minimal pain. Blood-drawing devices come in several types, including spring-loaded models that can prevent flinching.
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Test Strips

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Blood glucose test strips are an indispensable part of the daily routine of most diabetics, especially those who need to test their blood several times a day.
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Wallet-style organizers and kits enable diabetics to keep all of their necessary tools and supplies within easy reach, even when they're away from home.
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