1. Dementia and pain management: a personal story
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  2. How a Financial Planner Can Help
    Financial Planning Association
    Manage your finances wisely so that you can achieve your dreams and goals.
  3. RESPITE: Time Out for Caregivers Part 2
    By Nancy Carson, National Family Caregivers Association
    Family, friends, and professional counselors talk a great deal about respite-allowing a family caregiver to turn over full responsibility for their loved one to someone else so they can get some rest, restore their o…
  4. Fact Sheet - Is this Dementia and What Does It Mean?
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  5. Fact Sheet - Evaluating Medical Research Findings and Clinical Trials
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  6. Fact Sheet - Caring for Adults with Cognitive and Memory Impairments
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  7. Unraveling the Mystery
    National Institute on Aging
    Once considered a rare disorder, Alzheimer's Disease is now seen as a major public health problem that has a severe impact on millions of older Americans and their families.
  8. Fact Sheet - Alzheimer's Disease
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  9. Fact Sheet - Brain Tumor
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  10. Alzheimer's Disease
    Family Caregiver Alliance
    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurological condition in which the nerve cells in the brain die. The...
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