You Searched for: Hospice


Hospice is a program providing support services such as pain and symptom management, social services, and emotional support for the terminally ill and their families. Care can be provided at home or in facilities.


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  1. Building a Care Team
    By Paula Sanders McCarron, National Family Caregivers Association
    Sheila Warnock was living in New York City and working as a freelance art director when she became sole caregiver for her mother, who lived several hours away. She was also caring for her friend, Susan, who had…
  2. Discharge Planning Begins at the Time of Admission
    By Patricia L. Tomsko, M.D., National Family Caregivers Association
    Your loved one has just entered the hospital. It may be for a routine procedure or a serious complication of his/her chronic illness. In either case, you immediately begin to focus on how to make the hospital stay as…
  3. Fact Sheet - Alzheimer's Disease
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  4. Nursing Home Checklist
    This list helps you select a Skilled Nursing Facilities facility that meets your loved one's needs.
  5. Hospital Hints
    National Institute on Aging
    Going to the hospital is somewhat like traveling to another country - the sights are unfamiliar and the people you meet there often speak a foreign language.
  6. Medicare and You 2008
    US Department of Health and Human Services
  7. Continuing Care Residence Checklist
    This checklist helps you select a continuing care facility that meets your loved one's needs.
  8. Intimacy: A Casualty of Caregiving
    By Pat Kaufman and Nancy Carson, National Family Caregivers Association
    There is a hidden cost to caregiving. It's not a financial expense, although you may be paying a pretty steep price. It's measured in emotional currency and there are no insurance policies to guarantee you …
  9. Fact Sheet - Work and Eldercare
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  10. Fact Sheet - Caregivers' Guide to Medications and Aging
    Family Caregiver Alliance
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