You Searched for: Caregiver and Work


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  1. Making Decisions During a Crisis
    When faced with a decision that's not significant (where to go for dinner, what movie to rent), allowing someone else to take control is often the easiest thing to do. But what happens when you are faced with a cruci…
  2. Where Do You Hold Your Tension
    Stress is synonymous with family caregiving, although we all deal with it differently and our bodies react to it in different ways. Research has shown that family caregivers age prematurely, are more likely to experi…
  3. Professional Caregiver Work Agreement
    Use this form as an employment contract for any home care worker you hire.
    By Dr. Marion Somers, Ph. D., Ask Dr. Marion
    Sound advice to your questions from Dr. Marion, Ph.D., Geriatric Care Manager
  5. Balancing Work and Caregiving
    By Dr. Marion Somers, Ph. D., Elder Health Resources of America, Inc.
    Suggestions about how to balance work, caregiving and other family responsibilities.
  6. Workplace - A Guide for Working Caregivers
    National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
  7. Tips for Safe Medication Use and Storage
    This list offers suggestions for safely managing, storing and using medications.
  8. Emergency Contact and Medical Form
    This form helps document contact information and medical history in the case of an emergency.
  9. List of Current Medications
    This checklist helps keep track of all the medications that your loved one uses.
  10. Building a Care Team
    By Paula Sanders McCarron, National Family Caregivers Association
    Sheila Warnock was living in New York City and working as a freelance art director when she became sole caregiver for her mother, who lived several hours away. She was also caring for her friend, Susan, who had…
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