1. Aging and Your Eyes
    National Institute on Aging
    Some changes are more serious than others, but no matter what the problem, there are things you can do to protect your vision.
  2. Visual Distance Perception and Depth Perception: Improving People’s Perception Skills with Optical Aids and/or Training for Specialized Occupations, Safer Driving and Safer Use of Machinery
    People who have reduced distance and/or depth perception can improve their vision with lenses and/or training.
  3. Fact Sheet - Dementia, Driving and California State Law
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  4. Visual Distance Perception and Depth Perception
    People who have reduced distance and/or depth perception can improve their vision with lenses and/or training.
  5. Assistive Technology for People with Low-Vision or Reduced Visual Acuity
    There are many options to help people with low vision. Learn about new technology to help people with permanently reduced vision.
  6. Doctor's Office Visit Record
    This checklist helps keep track of any instructions or advice provided during a doctor's visit.
  7. Selecting a Physician Checklist
    This checklist helps you identify and select the physician who can best care for your loved one.
  8. Vision Aids for Impaired Peripheral or Tunnel Vision
    A person's peripheral vision loss may be slowed, arrested or even reversed with timely and effective medical treatment.
  9. Vision Aids for People Sighted in One Eye
    Read about successful clinical methods developed and used over a 20-year period for assisting individuals having vision in one eye.
  10. Emergency Contact and Medical Form
    This form helps document contact information and medical history in the case of an emergency.
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