You Searched for: Residential Care Homes


Residential homes are facilities that offer personal care and individual attention for older adults, people with disabilities and others whose limitations prevent them from living alone. Adult residential care homes generally provide a room, meals and supervision; and may specialize in specific needs such as Alzheimer's disease or developmental disabilities. These homes are often unlicensed.


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  1. Housing Needs Assessment
    This checklist helps determine your loved one's requirements and needs when finding a nursing home.
  2. Tips for Communicating with Your Loved One
    This list provides tips for how to communicate effectively with your loved one about his/her care.
  3. List of Current Medications
    This checklist helps keep track of all the medications that your loved one uses.
  4. Assessing Your Loved One's Needs
    This worksheet helps you determine what kind of assistance your loved one needs.
  5. RESPITE: Time Out for Caregivers Part I
    By Nancy Carson, National Family Caregivers Association
    No one can expend their energy, strength, and time giving to someone else, especially in the demanding role of family caregiver, without replenishing their own reserves. Sooner or later, something has to give. Respit…
  6. Caring for an Elder Relative: Where to Begin
    It's important to understand the legal and financial considerations of caring for an elder relative.
  7. Choosing Hospice - A Consumer's Guide
    Hospice Foundation of America
  8. Fact Sheet - California Advanced Healthcare Directives
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  9. Fact Sheet - Work and Eldercare
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  10. Alzheimer's and Dementia Facility Checklist
    This list helps you select an Alzheimer's or Dementia facility that meets your loved one's needs.
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Local Services

Listing of providers or services in a location you selected.

Articles & Info. (52)

Articles related to the search term you selected.

Government Agencies

Agencies that can help with caregiving and eldercare.

Community Resources

Useful community organizations and resources.


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