You Searched for: Medical Dressing


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    By Dr. Marion Somers, Ph. D., Ask Dr. Marion
    Sound advice to your questions from Dr. Marion, Ph.D., Geriatric Care Manager
  2. Tips for Safe Medication Use and Storage
    This list offers suggestions for safely managing, storing and using medications.
  3. Home Care Schedule and Activities Record
    Use this form to provide instructions to a caregiver and to document what occurred during the shift.
  4. Tips for Traveling with an Older Adult
    This checklist offers suggestions when you are traveling with an aging adult.
  5. Emergency Contact and Medical Form
    This form helps document contact information and medical history in the case of an emergency.
  6. List of Current Medications
    This checklist helps keep track of all the medications that your loved one uses.
  7. Emergency Preparedness Checklist
    This checklist helps you prepare and organize in case of an emergency.
  8. Home Safety and Security Checklist
    Use this checklist to identify and resolve safety and security concerns in the home.
  9. Assessing Your Loved One's Needs
    This worksheet helps you determine what kind of assistance your loved one needs.
    By Dr. Marion Somers, Ph. D., Ask Dr. Marion
    Sound advice to your questions from Dr. Marion, Ph.D., Geriatric Care Manager
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Articles & Info. (62)

Articles related to the search term you selected.

Government Agencies

Agencies that can help with caregiving and eldercare.

Community Resources

Useful community organizations and resources.


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