You Searched for: Patient Education


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  1. Earlier AD diagnosis creating demand for early-stage support groups
    National Institute on Aging
    Now people are being diagnosed earlier in the course of Alzheimer's disease (AD) because of improved diagnostic techniques and increased awareness of the disease.
  2. Frontotemporal Dementia Connections Reprint
    National Institute on Aging
    Scientists and clinicians have identified a number of progressive degenerative brain conditions (other than Alzheimer's Disease) that cause dementia, including a rare group of diseases called frontotemporal
  3. Vision Aids for Impaired Peripheral or Tunnel Vision
    A person's peripheral vision loss may be slowed, arrested or even reversed with timely and effective medical treatment.
  4. Fact Sheet - Community Care Options
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  5. Ten real-life strategies for dementia caregiving
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  6. Education and Care - Potential Causes of Behavior Problems
    Alzheimer's Foundation of America
  7. Fact Sheet - HIV-Associated Dementia
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  8. Discharge Planning Begins at the Time of Admission
    By Patricia L. Tomsko, M.D., National Family Caregivers Association
    Your loved one has just entered the hospital. It may be for a routine procedure or a serious complication of his/her chronic illness. In either case, you immediately begin to focus on how to make the hospital stay as…
  9. Unraveling the Mystery
    National Institute on Aging
    Once considered a rare disorder, Alzheimer's Disease is now seen as a major public health problem that has a severe impact on millions of older Americans and their families.
  10. Fact Sheet - End-of-Life Decision-Making
    Family Caregiver Alliance
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