By Dr. Marion Somers, Ph. D., Ask Dr. Marion
    Sound advice to your questions from Dr. Marion, Ph.D., Geriatric Care Manager
  2. Tips for Traveling with an Older Adult
    This checklist offers suggestions when you are traveling with an aging adult.
  3. Tips for Communicating with Your Loved One
    This list provides tips for how to communicate effectively with your loved one about his/her care.
  4. Public Transportation, Mobility Aids and Passenger Safety (Wheelchairs, Scooters, Walkers, Crutches, and Canes with Passengers on Public Transit)
    This paper is intended for Disabled People and/or Public Transportation Operators using or planning to use public transport vehicles -such as vans, buses and trains -for transporting people and mobility equipment.
  5. Adult Day Care Center Checklist
    This checklist helps determine which adult day care centers is right for your loved one.
  6. Housing Needs Assessment
    This checklist helps determine your loved one's requirements and needs when finding a nursing home.
    By Dr. Marion Somers, Ph. D., Ask Dr. Marion
    Sound advice to your questions from Dr. Marion, Ph.D., Geriatric Care Manager
  8. Caregiving - Community Resources
    National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
  9. Assisted Living Residence Checklist
    This checklist helps you select an assisted living facility that meets your loved one's needs.
  10. Assessing Your Loved One's Needs
    This worksheet helps you determine what kind of assistance your loved one needs.
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