You Searched for: Caregiving Stress


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  1. Fact Sheet - Coping with Behavior Problems after Head Injury
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  2. Communicating with Your Doctor, Part II
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  3. Education and Care - 12 Ways to Boost Caregiver Success
    Alzheimer's Foundation of America
  4. Caregiver Self Assessment
    This assessment helps identify if caregiver stress is starting to take its toll on you.
  5. Where Do You Hold Your Tension
    Stress is synonymous with family caregiving, although we all deal with it differently and our bodies react to it in different ways. Research has shown that family caregivers age prematurely, are more likely to experi…
  6. Making Decisions During a Crisis
    When faced with a decision that's not significant (where to go for dinner, what movie to rent), allowing someone else to take control is often the easiest thing to do. But what happens when you are faced with a cruci…
  7. Women Caregivers for Family Members with Alzheimer's Disease
    The role of caregiving for a family member with Alzheimer's disease is primarily a woman's role. And this role has serious financial and medical repercussions. Of the almost 10 million Americans caring for a person w…
  8. Unraveling the Mystery
    National Institute on Aging
    Once considered a rare disorder, Alzheimer's Disease is now seen as a major public health problem that has a severe impact on millions of older Americans and their families.
  9. Saying "Yes" to Offers of Help
    Family Caregiver Alliance
  10. Education and Care - Strategies to Head Off or Deal with Behavior Problems
    Alzheimer's Foundation of America
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