By Dr. Marion Somers, Ph. D., Ask Dr. Marion

QUESTION: What is adapted equipment? Carol in Alaska, 76

ANSWER: I'm thrilled by the recent advances in adapted equipment. There are books, videos, websites, and pamphlets out there for almost any type of elder care, handicap, or special need. They are more widely available than people think. Once you determine your elder's need, you should be able to find adapted equipment that will improve the quality of their life.

Most people have no idea what adapted equipment is, but as a caregiver, you need to become aware of this growing field. I'm talking about commonplace products like a wheelchair or elder-safe step ladder as well as more obscure products such as jar/bottle openers and grocery store scooters.

Adapted equipment draws from a wide variety of products that can help your elder function more independently and/or on a higher level. They can help your elder regain confidence in his/her abilities, and they can even alleviate your elder's overwhelming fear of being dependant on others. Along with advancements in medical technology and pharmaceuticals, adapted equipment has come a long way in recent years and can be a vital part of a senior's final years. Bottom line: Adapted equipment can greatly improve your elder's quality of life.

Caregiving is largely about helping your elder maintain as much control of life as possible and adapted equipment can help accomplish this important goal. Consider any and all products that might improve quality of life, which will help your elder help himself. You have no idea how big a difference this can make.

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